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作者: 彭Sir    分类: 网页源码     正在检查是否收录...




这款HTML5 3D魔方小游戏是一款令人着迷的拼图游戏,充满了挑战和乐趣。通过创新性的HTML、Canvas和JavaScript技术,这款游戏提供了一个独特的游戏体验,玩家可以在其中探索3D魔方的世界。



这款HTML5 3D魔方小游戏将挑战您的空间感知和解决问题的能力,同时提供了美丽的3D图形,以及许多自定义选项和统计数据来保持您的兴趣。立即尝试,看看您是否能在最短时间内还原魔方,成为魔方之王!


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML5 3D酷炫拼魔方游戏特效 </title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,user-scalable=no,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">


    <div class="ui">

        <div class="ui__background"></div>

        <div class="ui__game"></div>

        <div class="ui__texts">
            <h1 class="text text--title">
            <div class="text text--note">
            <div class="text text--timer">
            <div class="text text--complete">
            <div class="text text--best-time">
                <icon trophy></icon>
                <span>Best Time!</span>

        <div class="ui__prefs">
            <range name="flip" title="Flip Type" list="Swift&nbsp;,Smooth,Bounce"></range>
            <range name="scramble" title="Scramble Length" list="20,25,30"></range>
            <range name="fov" title="Camera Angle" list="Ortographic,Perspective"></range>
            <range name="theme" title="Color Scheme" list="Cube,Erno,Dust,Camo,Rain"></range>

        <div class="ui__stats">
            <div class="stats" name="total-solves">
                <i>Total solves:</i><b>-</b>
            <div class="stats" name="best-time">
                <i>Best time:</i><b>-</b>
            <div class="stats" name="worst-time">
                <i>Worst time:</i><b>-</b>
            <div class="stats" name="average-5">
                <i>Average of 5:</i><b>-</b>
            <div class="stats" name="average-12">
                <i>Average of 12:</i><b>-</b>
            <div class="stats" name="average-25">
                <i>Average of 25:</i><b>-</b>

        <div class="ui__buttons">
            <button class="btn btn--bl btn--stats">
                <icon trophy></icon>
            <button class="btn btn--bl btn--prefs">
                <icon settings></icon>
            <button class="btn btn--bl btn--back">
                <icon back></icon>
            <button class="btn btn--br btn--pwa"></button>


    <script src='js/three.min.js'></script>
    <script src="js/index.js"></script>



const animationEngine = ( () => {

  let uniqueID = 0;

  class AnimationEngine {

    constructor() {

      this.ids = [];
      this.animations = {};
      this.update = this.update.bind( this );
      this.raf = 0;
      this.time = 0;


    update() {

      const now = performance.now();
      const delta = now - this.time;
      this.time = now;

      let i = this.ids.length;

      this.raf = i ? requestAnimationFrame( this.update ) : 0;

      while ( i-- )
        this.animations[ this.ids[ i ] ] && this.animations[ this.ids[ i ] ].update( delta );


    add( animation ) {

      animation.id = uniqueID ++;

      this.ids.push( animation.id );
      this.animations[ animation.id ] = animation;

      if ( this.raf !== 0 ) return;

      this.time = performance.now();
      this.raf = requestAnimationFrame( this.update );


    remove( animation ) {

      const index = this.ids.indexOf( animation.id );

      if ( index < 0 ) return;

      this.ids.splice( index, 1 );
      delete this.animations[ animation.id ];
      animation = null;



  return new AnimationEngine();

} )();

class Animation {

  constructor( start ) {

    if ( start === true ) this.start();


  start() {

    animationEngine.add( this );


  stop() {

    animationEngine.remove( this );


  update( delta ) {}


class World extends Animation {

  constructor( game ) {

    super( true );

    this.game = game;

    this.container = this.game.dom.game;
    this.scene = new THREE.Scene();

    this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true, alpha: true } );
    this.renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
    this.container.appendChild( this.renderer.domElement );

    this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 2, 1, 0.1, 10000 );

    this.stage = { width: 2, height: 3 };
    this.fov = 10;


    this.onResize = [];

    window.addEventListener( 'resize', () => this.resize(), false );


  update() {

    this.renderer.render( this.scene, this.camera );


  resize() {

    this.width = this.container.offsetWidth;
    this.height = this.container.offsetHeight;

    this.renderer.setSize( this.width, this.height );

    this.camera.fov = this.fov;
    this.camera.aspect = this.width / this.height;

    const aspect = this.stage.width / this.stage.height;
    const fovRad = this.fov * THREE.Math.DEG2RAD;

    let distance = ( aspect < this.camera.aspect )
      ? ( this.stage.height / 2 ) / Math.tan( fovRad / 2 )
      : ( this.stage.width / this.camera.aspect ) / ( 2 * Math.tan( fovRad / 2 ) );

    distance *= 0.5;

    this.camera.position.set( distance, distance, distance);
    this.camera.lookAt( this.scene.position );

    const docFontSize = ( aspect < this.camera.aspect )
      ? ( this.height / 100 ) * aspect
      : this.width / 100;

    document.documentElement.style.fontSize = docFontSize + 'px';

    if ( this.onResize ) this.onResize.forEach( cb => cb() );


  createLights() {

    this.lights = {
      holder:  new THREE.Object3D,
      ambient: new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.69 ),
      front:   new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.36 ),
      back:    new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 0.19 ),

    this.lights.front.position.set( 1.5, 5, 3 );
    this.lights.back.position.set( -1.5, -5, -3 );

    this.lights.holder.add( this.lights.ambient );
    this.lights.holder.add( this.lights.front );
    this.lights.holder.add( this.lights.back );

    this.scene.add( this.lights.holder );


  enableShadows() {

    this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
    this.renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap;

    this.lights.front.castShadow = true;

    this.lights.front.shadow.mapSize.width = 512;
    this.lights.front.shadow.mapSize.height = 512;

    var d = 1.5;

    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.left = -d;
    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.right = d;
    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.top = d;
    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.bottom = -d;

    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.near = 1;
    this.lights.front.shadow.camera.far = 9;

    this.game.cube.holder.traverse( node => {

      if ( node instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {

        node.castShadow = true;
        node.receiveShadow = true;


    } );



function RoundedBoxGeometry( size, radius, radiusSegments ) {

  THREE.BufferGeometry.call( this );

  this.type = 'RoundedBoxGeometry';

  radiusSegments = ! isNaN( radiusSegments ) ? Math.max( 1, Math.floor( radiusSegments ) ) : 1;

  var width, height, depth;

  width = height = depth = size;
  radius = size * radius;

  radius = Math.min( radius, Math.min( width, Math.min( height, Math.min( depth ) ) ) / 2 );

  var edgeHalfWidth = width / 2 - radius;
  var edgeHalfHeight = height / 2 - radius;
  var edgeHalfDepth = depth / 2 - radius;

  this.parameters = {
    width: width,
    height: height,
    depth: depth,
    radius: radius,
    radiusSegments: radiusSegments

  var rs1 = radiusSegments + 1; 
  var totalVertexCount = ( rs1 * radiusSegments + 1 ) << 3;

  var positions = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( totalVertexCount * 3 ), 3 );
  var normals = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( totalVertexCount * 3 ), 3 );

    cornerVerts = [],
    cornerNormals = [],
    normal = new THREE.Vector3(),
    vertex = new THREE.Vector3(),
    vertexPool = [],
    normalPool = [],
    indices = []

    lastVertex = rs1 * radiusSegments,
    cornerVertNumber = rs1 * radiusSegments + 1


  function doVertices() {

    var cornerLayout = [
      new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, - 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( - 1, 1, - 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( - 1, 1, 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( 1, - 1, 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( 1, - 1, - 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( - 1, - 1, - 1 ),
      new THREE.Vector3( - 1, - 1, 1 )

    for ( var j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) {

      cornerVerts.push( [] );
      cornerNormals.push( [] );


    var PIhalf = Math.PI / 2;
    var cornerOffset = new THREE.Vector3( edgeHalfWidth, edgeHalfHeight, edgeHalfDepth );

    for ( var y = 0; y <= radiusSegments; y ++ ) {

      var v = y / radiusSegments;
      var va = v * PIhalf; 
      var cosVa = Math.cos( va ); 
      var sinVa = Math.sin( va );

      if ( y == radiusSegments ) {

        vertex.set( 0, 1, 0 );
        var vert = vertex.clone().multiplyScalar( radius ).add( cornerOffset );
        cornerVerts[ 0 ].push( vert );
        vertexPool.push( vert );
        var norm = vertex.clone();
        cornerNormals[ 0 ].push( norm );
        normalPool.push( norm );


      for ( var x = 0; x <= radiusSegments; x ++ ) {

        var u = x / radiusSegments;
        var ha = u * PIhalf;
        vertex.x = cosVa * Math.cos( ha );
        vertex.y = sinVa;
        vertex.z = cosVa * Math.sin( ha );

        var vert = vertex.clone().multiplyScalar( radius ).add( cornerOffset );
        cornerVerts[ 0 ].push( vert );
        vertexPool.push( vert );

        var norm = vertex.clone().normalize();
        cornerNormals[ 0 ].push( norm );
        normalPool.push( norm );



    for ( var i = 1; i < 8; i ++ ) {

      for ( var j = 0; j < cornerVerts[ 0 ].length; j ++ ) {

        var vert = cornerVerts[ 0 ][ j ].clone().multiply( cornerLayout[ i ] );
        cornerVerts[ i ].push( vert );
        vertexPool.push( vert );

        var norm = cornerNormals[ 0 ][ j ].clone().multiply( cornerLayout[ i ] );
        cornerNormals[ i ].push( norm );
        normalPool.push( norm );




  function doCorners() {

    var flips = [

    var lastRowOffset = rs1 * ( radiusSegments - 1 );

    for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) {

      var cornerOffset = cornerVertNumber * i;

      for ( var v = 0; v < radiusSegments - 1; v ++ ) {

        var r1 = v * rs1;
        var r2 = ( v + 1 ) * rs1;

        for ( var u = 0; u < radiusSegments; u ++ ) {

          var u1 = u + 1;
          var a = cornerOffset + r1 + u;
          var b = cornerOffset + r1 + u1;
          var c = cornerOffset + r2 + u;
          var d = cornerOffset + r2 + u1;

          if ( ! flips[ i ] ) {

            indices.push( a );
            indices.push( b );
            indices.push( c );

            indices.push( b );
            indices.push( d );
            indices.push( c );

          } else {

            indices.push( a );
            indices.push( c );
            indices.push( b );

            indices.push( b );
            indices.push( c );
            indices.push( d );




      for ( var u = 0; u < radiusSegments; u ++ ) {

        var a = cornerOffset + lastRowOffset + u;
        var b = cornerOffset + lastRowOffset + u + 1;
        var c = cornerOffset + lastVertex;

        if ( ! flips[ i ] ) {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );

        } else {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );





  function doFaces() {

    var a = lastVertex;
    var b = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber;
    var c = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 2;
    var d = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 3;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( d );

    a = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 4;
    b = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 5;
    c = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 6;
    d = lastVertex + cornerVertNumber * 7;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( d );
    indices.push( c );

    a = 0;
    b = cornerVertNumber;
    c = cornerVertNumber * 4;
    d = cornerVertNumber * 5;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( d );

    a = cornerVertNumber * 2;
    b = cornerVertNumber * 3;
    c = cornerVertNumber * 6;
    d = cornerVertNumber * 7;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( d );

    a = radiusSegments;
    b = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 3;
    c = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 4;
    d = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 7;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( d );
    indices.push( c );

    a = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber;
    b = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 2;
    c = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 5;
    d = radiusSegments + cornerVertNumber * 6;

    indices.push( a );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( b );
    indices.push( c );
    indices.push( d );


  function doHeightEdges() {

    for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {

      var cOffset = i * cornerVertNumber;
      var cRowOffset = 4 * cornerVertNumber + cOffset;
      var needsFlip = i & 1 === 1;

      for ( var u = 0; u < radiusSegments; u ++ ) {

        var u1 = u + 1;
        var a = cOffset + u;
        var b = cOffset + u1;
        var c = cRowOffset + u;
        var d = cRowOffset + u1;

        if ( ! needsFlip ) {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( d );
          indices.push( c );

        } else {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( d );





  function doDepthEdges() {

    var cStarts = [ 0, 2, 4, 6 ];
    var cEnds = [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ];

    for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {

      var cStart = cornerVertNumber * cStarts[ i ];
      var cEnd = cornerVertNumber * cEnds[ i ];

      var needsFlip = 1 >= i;

      for ( var u = 0; u < radiusSegments; u ++ ) {

        var urs1 = u * rs1;
        var u1rs1 = ( u + 1 ) * rs1;

        var a = cStart + urs1;
        var b = cStart + u1rs1;
        var c = cEnd + urs1;
        var d = cEnd + u1rs1;

        if ( needsFlip ) {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( d );

        } else {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( d );
          indices.push( c );





  function doWidthEdges() {

    var end = radiusSegments - 1;

    var cStarts = [ 0, 1, 4, 5 ];
    var cEnds = [ 3, 2, 7, 6 ];
    var needsFlip = [ 0, 1, 1, 0 ];

    for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {

      var cStart = cStarts[ i ] * cornerVertNumber;
      var cEnd = cEnds[ i ] * cornerVertNumber;

      for ( var u = 0; u <= end; u ++ ) {

        var a = cStart + radiusSegments + u * rs1;
        var b = cStart + ( u != end ? radiusSegments + ( u + 1 ) * rs1 : cornerVertNumber - 1 );

        var c = cEnd + radiusSegments + u * rs1;
        var d = cEnd + ( u != end ? radiusSegments + ( u + 1 ) * rs1 : cornerVertNumber - 1 );

        if ( ! needsFlip[ i ] ) {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( d );
          indices.push( c );

        } else {

          indices.push( a );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( b );
          indices.push( c );
          indices.push( d );





  var index = 0;

  for ( var i = 0; i < vertexPool.length; i ++ ) {

      vertexPool[ i ].x,
      vertexPool[ i ].y,
      vertexPool[ i ].z

      normalPool[ i ].x,
      normalPool[ i ].y,
      normalPool[ i ].z

    index ++;


  this.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint16Array( indices ), 1 ) );
  this.addAttribute( 'position', positions );
  this.addAttribute( 'normal', normals );


RoundedBoxGeometry.prototype = Object.create( THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype );
RoundedBoxGeometry.constructor = RoundedBoxGeometry;

function RoundedPlaneGeometry( size, radius, depth ) {

  var x, y, width, height;

  x = y = - size / 2;
  width = height = size;
  radius = size * radius;

  const shape = new THREE.Shape();

  shape.moveTo( x, y + radius );
  shape.lineTo( x, y + height - radius );
  shape.quadraticCurveTo( x, y + height, x + radius, y + height );
  shape.lineTo( x + width - radius, y + height );
  shape.quadraticCurveTo( x + width, y + height, x + width, y + height - radius );
  shape.lineTo( x + width, y + radius );
  shape.quadraticCurveTo( x + width, y, x + width - radius, y );
  shape.lineTo( x + radius, y );
  shape.quadraticCurveTo( x, y, x, y + radius );

  const geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeBufferGeometry(
    { depth: depth, bevelEnabled: false, curveSegments: 3 }

  return geometry;


class Cube {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;

    this.geometry = {
      pieceSize: 1 / 3,
      pieceCornerRadius: 0.12,
      edgeCornerRoundness: 0.15,
      edgeScale: 0.82,
      edgeDepth: 0.01,

    this.holder = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.object = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.animator = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.holder.add( this.animator );
    this.animator.add( this.object );

    this.cubes = [];


    this.pieces.forEach( piece => {

      this.cubes.push( piece.userData.cube );
      this.object.add( piece );

    } );

    this.holder.traverse( node => {

      if ( node.frustumCulled ) node.frustumCulled = false;

    } );

    this.game.world.scene.add( this.holder );


  reset() {

    this.game.controls.edges.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );

    this.holder.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );
    this.object.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );
    this.animator.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );

    this.pieces.forEach( piece => {

      piece.position.copy( piece.userData.start.position );
      piece.rotation.copy( piece.userData.start.rotation );

    } );


  generatePositions() {

    let x, y, z;

    this.positions = [];

    for ( x = 0; x < 3; x ++ ) {

      for ( y = 0; y < 3; y ++ ) {

        for ( z = 0; z < 3; z ++ ) {

          let position = new THREE.Vector3( x - 1, y - 1, z - 1 );
          let edges = [];

          if ( x == 0 ) edges.push(0);
          if ( x == 2 ) edges.push(1);
          if ( y == 0 ) edges.push(2);
          if ( y == 2 ) edges.push(3);
          if ( z == 0 ) edges.push(4);
          if ( z == 2 ) edges.push(5);

          position.edges = edges;

          this.positions.push( position );





  generateModel() {

    this.pieces = [];
    this.edges = [];

    const pieceSize = 1 / 3;

    const mainMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();

    const pieceMesh = new THREE.Mesh(
      new RoundedBoxGeometry( pieceSize, this.geometry.pieceCornerRadius, 3 ),

    const edgeGeometry = RoundedPlaneGeometry(
      this.geometry.edgeDepth );

    this.positions.forEach( ( position, index ) => {

      const piece = new THREE.Object3D();
      const pieceCube = pieceMesh.clone();
      const pieceEdges = [];

      piece.position.copy( position.clone().divideScalar( 3 ) );
      piece.add( pieceCube );
      piece.name = index;
      piece.edgesName = '';

      position.edges.forEach( position => {

        const edge = new THREE.Mesh( edgeGeometry, mainMaterial.clone() );
        const name = [ 'L', 'R', 'D', 'U', 'B', 'F' ][ position ];
        const distance = pieceSize / 2;

          distance * [ - 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ][ position ],
          distance * [ 0, 0, - 1, 1, 0, 0 ][ position ],
          distance * [ 0, 0, 0, 0, - 1, 1 ][ position ]

          Math.PI / 2 * [ 0, 0, 1, - 1, 0, 0 ][ position ],
          Math.PI / 2 * [ - 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0 ][ position ],


        edge.name = name;

        piece.add( edge );
        pieceEdges.push( name );
        this.edges.push( edge );

      } );

      piece.userData.edges = pieceEdges;
      piece.userData.cube = pieceCube;

      piece.userData.start = {
        position: piece.position.clone(),
        rotation: piece.rotation.clone(),

      this.pieces.push( piece );

    } );



const Easing = {

  Power: {

    In: power => {

      power = Math.round( power || 1 );

      return t => Math.pow( t, power );


    Out: power => {

      power = Math.round( power || 1 );

      return t => 1 - Math.abs( Math.pow( t - 1, power ) );


    InOut: power => {

      power = Math.round( power || 1 );

      return t => ( t < 0.5 )
        ? Math.pow( t * 2, power ) / 2
        : ( 1 - Math.abs( Math.pow( ( t * 2 - 1 ) - 1, power ) ) ) / 2 + 0.5;



  Sine: {

    In: () => t => 1 + Math.sin( Math.PI / 2 * t - Math.PI / 2 ),

    Out: () => t => Math.sin( Math.PI / 2 * t ),

    InOut: () => t => ( 1 + Math.sin( Math.PI * t - Math.PI / 2 ) ) / 2,


  Back: {

    Out: s => {

      s = s || 1.70158;

      return t => { return ( t -= 1 ) * t * ( ( s + 1 ) * t + s ) + 1; };


    In: s => {

      s = s || 1.70158;

      return t => { return t * t * ( ( s + 1 ) * t - s ); };



  Elastic: {

    Out: ( amplitude, period ) => {

      let PI2 = Math.PI * 2;

      let p1 = ( amplitude >= 1 ) ? amplitude : 1;
      let p2 = ( period || 0.3 ) / ( amplitude < 1 ? amplitude : 1 );
      let p3 = p2 / PI2 * ( Math.asin( 1 / p1 ) || 0 );

      p2 = PI2 / p2;

      return t => { return p1 * Math.pow( 2, -10 * t ) * Math.sin( ( t - p3 ) * p2 ) + 1 }




class Tween extends Animation {

  constructor( options ) {

    super( false );

    this.duration = options.duration || 500;
    this.easing = options.easing || ( t => t );
    this.onUpdate = options.onUpdate || ( () => {} );
    this.onComplete = options.onComplete || ( () => {} );

    this.delay = options.delay || false;
    this.yoyo = options.yoyo ? false : null;

    this.progress = 0;
    this.value = 0;
    this.delta = 0;

    this.getFromTo( options );

    if ( this.delay ) setTimeout( () => super.start(), this.delay );
    else super.start();

    this.onUpdate( this );


  update( delta ) {

    const old = this.value * 1;
    const direction = ( this.yoyo === true ) ? - 1 : 1;

    this.progress += ( delta / this.duration ) * direction;

    this.value = this.easing( this.progress );
    this.delta = this.value - old;

    if ( this.values !== null ) this.updateFromTo();

    if ( this.yoyo !== null ) this.updateYoyo();
    else if ( this.progress <= 1 ) this.onUpdate( this );
    else {

      this.progress = 1;
      this.value = 1;
      this.onUpdate( this );
      this.onComplete( this );



  updateYoyo() {

    if ( this.progress > 1 || this.progress < 0 ) {

      this.value = this.progress = ( this.progress > 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
      this.yoyo = ! this.yoyo;


    this.onUpdate( this );


  updateFromTo() {

    this.values.forEach( key => {

      this.target[ key ] = this.from[ key ] + ( this.to[ key ] - this.from[ key ] ) * this.value;

    } );


  getFromTo( options ) {

    if ( ! options.target || ! options.to ) {

      this.values = null;


    this.target = options.target || null;
    this.from = options.from || {};
    this.to = options.to || null;
    this.values = [];

    if ( Object.keys( this.from ).length < 1 )
      Object.keys( this.to ).forEach( key => { this.from[ key ] = this.target[ key ]; } );

    Object.keys( this.to ).forEach( key => { this.values.push( key ); } );



window.addEventListener( 'touchmove', () => {} );
document.addEventListener( 'touchmove',  event => { event.preventDefault(); }, { passive: false } );

class Draggable {

  constructor( element, options ) {

    this.position = {
      current: new THREE.Vector2(),
      start: new THREE.Vector2(),
      delta: new THREE.Vector2(),
      old: new THREE.Vector2(),
      drag: new THREE.Vector2(),

    this.options = Object.assign( {
      calcDelta: false,
    }, options || {} );

    this.element = element;
    this.touch = null;

    this.drag = {

      start: ( event ) => {

        if ( event.type == 'mousedown' && event.which != 1 ) return;
        if ( event.type == 'touchstart' && event.touches.length > 1 ) return;

        this.getPositionCurrent( event );

        if ( this.options.calcDelta ) {

          this.position.start = this.position.current.clone();
          this.position.delta.set( 0, 0 );
          this.position.drag.set( 0, 0 );


        this.touch = ( event.type == 'touchstart' );

        this.onDragStart( this.position );

        window.addEventListener( ( this.touch ) ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', this.drag.move, false );
        window.addEventListener( ( this.touch ) ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup', this.drag.end, false );


      move: ( event ) => {

        if ( this.options.calcDelta ) {

          this.position.old = this.position.current.clone();


        this.getPositionCurrent( event );

        if ( this.options.calcDelta ) {

          this.position.delta = this.position.current.clone().sub( this.position.old );
          this.position.drag = this.position.current.clone().sub( this.position.start );


        this.onDragMove( this.position );


      end: ( event ) => {

        this.getPositionCurrent( event );

        this.onDragEnd( this.position );

        window.removeEventListener( ( this.touch ) ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', this.drag.move, false );
        window.removeEventListener( ( this.touch ) ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup', this.drag.end, false );



    this.onDragStart = () => {};
    this.onDragMove = () => {};
    this.onDragEnd = () => {};


    return this;


  enable() {

    this.element.addEventListener( 'touchstart', this.drag.start, false );
    this.element.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.drag.start, false );

    return this;


  disable() {

    this.element.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', this.drag.start, false );
    this.element.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.drag.start, false );

    return this;


  getPositionCurrent( event ) {

    const dragEvent = event.touches
      ? ( event.touches[ 0 ] || event.changedTouches[ 0 ] )
      : event;

    this.position.current.set( dragEvent.pageX, dragEvent.pageY );


  convertPosition( position ) {

    position.x = ( position.x / this.element.offsetWidth ) * 2 - 1;
    position.y = - ( ( position.y / this.element.offsetHeight ) * 2 - 1 );

    return position;



const STILL = 0;
const PREPARING = 1;
const ROTATING = 2;
const ANIMATING = 3;

class Controls {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;

    this.flipConfig = 0;

    this.flipEasings = [ Easing.Power.Out( 3 ), Easing.Sine.Out(), Easing.Back.Out( 2 ) ];
    this.flipSpeeds = [ 125, 200, 350 ];

    this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();

    const helperMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { depthWrite: false, transparent: true, opacity: 0, color: 0x0033ff } );

    this.group = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.game.cube.object.add( this.group );

    this.helper = new THREE.Mesh(
      new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 20, 20 ),

    this.helper.rotation.set( 0, Math.PI / 4, 0 );
    this.game.world.scene.add( this.helper );

    this.edges = new THREE.Mesh(
      new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 0.95, 0.95, 0.95 ),

    this.game.world.scene.add( this.edges );

    this.onSolved = () => {};
    this.onMove = () => {};

    this.momentum = [];

    this.scramble = null;
    this.state = STILL;



  enable() {



  disable() {



  initDraggable() {

    this.draggable = new Draggable( this.game.dom.game );

    this.draggable.onDragStart = position => {

      if ( this.scramble !== null ) return;
      if ( this.state === PREPARING || this.state === ROTATING ) return;

      this.gettingDrag = this.state === ANIMATING;

      const edgeIntersect = this.getIntersect( position.current, this.edges, false );

      if ( edgeIntersect !== false ) {

        this.dragNormal = edgeIntersect.face.normal.round();
        this.flipType = 'layer';

        this.attach( this.helper, this.edges );

        this.helper.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );
        this.helper.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );
        this.helper.lookAt( this.dragNormal );
        this.helper.translateZ( 0.5 );

        this.detach( this.helper, this.edges );

      } else {

        this.dragNormal = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
        this.flipType = 'cube';

        this.helper.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );
        this.helper.rotation.set( 0, Math.PI / 4, 0 );


      const planeIntersect = this.getIntersect( position.current, this.helper, false ).point;
      if ( planeIntersect === false ) return;

      this.dragCurrent = this.helper.worldToLocal( planeIntersect );
      this.dragTotal = new THREE.Vector3();
      this.state = ( this.state === STILL ) ? PREPARING : this.state;


    this.draggable.onDragMove = position => {

      if ( this.scramble !== null ) return;
      if ( this.state === STILL || ( this.state === ANIMATING && this.gettingDrag === false ) ) return;

      const planeIntersect = this.getIntersect( position.current, this.helper, false );
      if ( planeIntersect === false ) return;

      const point = this.helper.worldToLocal( planeIntersect.point.clone() );

      this.dragDelta = point.clone().sub( this.dragCurrent ).setZ( 0 );
      this.dragTotal.add( this.dragDelta );
      this.dragCurrent = point;
      this.addMomentumPoint( this.dragDelta );

      if ( this.state === PREPARING && this.dragTotal.length() > 0.05 ) {

        this.dragDirection = this.getMainAxis( this.dragTotal );

        if ( this.flipType === 'layer' ) {

          const direction = new THREE.Vector3();
          direction[ this.dragDirection ] = 1;

          const worldDirection = this.helper.localToWorld( direction ).sub( this.helper.position );
          const objectDirection = this.edges.worldToLocal( worldDirection ).round();

          this.flipAxis = objectDirection.cross( this.dragNormal ).negate();

          this.dragIntersect = this.getIntersect( position.current, this.game.cube.cubes, true );

          this.selectLayer( this.getLayer( false ) );

        } else {

          const axis = ( this.dragDirection != 'x' )
            ? ( ( this.dragDirection == 'y' && position.current.x > this.game.world.width / 2 ) ? 'z' : 'x' )
            : 'y';

          this.flipAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
          this.flipAxis[ axis ] = 1 * ( ( axis == 'x' ) ? - 1 : 1 );


        this.flipAngle = 0;
        this.state = ROTATING;

      } else if ( this.state === ROTATING ) {

        const rotation = this.dragDelta[ this.dragDirection ];

        if ( this.flipType === 'layer' ) { 

          this.group.rotateOnAxis( this.flipAxis, rotation );
          this.flipAngle += rotation;

        } else {

          this.edges.rotateOnWorldAxis( this.flipAxis, rotation );
          this.game.cube.object.rotation.copy( this.edges.rotation );
          this.flipAngle += rotation;




    this.draggable.onDragEnd = position => {

      if ( this.scramble !== null ) return;
      if ( this.state !== ROTATING ) {

        this.gettingDrag = false;
        this.state = STILL;


      this.state = ANIMATING;

      const momentum = this.getMomentum()[ this.dragDirection ];
      const flip = ( Math.abs( momentum ) > 0.05 && Math.abs( this.flipAngle ) < Math.PI / 2 );

      const angle = flip
        ? this.roundAngle( this.flipAngle + Math.sign( this.flipAngle ) * ( Math.PI / 4 ) )
        : this.roundAngle( this.flipAngle );

      const delta = angle - this.flipAngle;

      if ( this.flipType === 'layer' ) {

        this.rotateLayer( delta, false, layer => {

          this.state = this.gettingDrag ? PREPARING : STILL;
          this.gettingDrag = false;


        } );

      } else {

        this.rotateCube( delta, () => {

          this.state = this.gettingDrag ? PREPARING : STILL;
          this.gettingDrag = false;

        } );




  rotateLayer( rotation, scramble, callback ) {

    const config = scramble ? 0 : this.flipConfig;

    const easing = this.flipEasings[ config ];
    const duration = this.flipSpeeds[ config ];
    const bounce = ( config == 2 ) ? this.bounceCube() : ( () => {} );

    this.rotationTween = new Tween( {
      easing: easing,
      duration: duration,
      onUpdate: tween => {

        let deltaAngle = tween.delta * rotation;
        this.group.rotateOnAxis( this.flipAxis, deltaAngle );
        bounce( tween.value, deltaAngle, rotation );

      onComplete: () => {

        if ( ! scramble ) this.onMove();

        const layer = this.flipLayer.slice( 0 );

        this.game.cube.object.rotation.setFromVector3( this.snapRotation( this.game.cube.object.rotation.toVector3() ) );
        this.group.rotation.setFromVector3( this.snapRotation( this.group.rotation.toVector3() ) );
        this.deselectLayer( this.flipLayer );

        callback( layer );

    } );


  bounceCube() {

    let fixDelta = true;

    return ( progress, delta, rotation ) => {

        if ( progress >= 1 ) {

          if ( fixDelta ) {

            delta = ( progress - 1 ) * rotation;
            fixDelta = false;


          this.game.cube.object.rotateOnAxis( this.flipAxis, delta );




  rotateCube( rotation, callback ) {

    const config = this.flipConfig;
    const easing = [ Easing.Power.Out( 4 ), Easing.Sine.Out(), Easing.Back.Out( 2 ) ][ config ];
    const duration = [ 100, 150, 350 ][ config ];

    this.rotationTween = new Tween( {
      easing: easing,
      duration: duration,
      onUpdate: tween => {

        this.edges.rotateOnWorldAxis( this.flipAxis, tween.delta * rotation );
        this.game.cube.object.rotation.copy( this.edges.rotation );

      onComplete: () => {

        this.edges.rotation.setFromVector3( this.snapRotation( this.edges.rotation.toVector3() ) );
        this.game.cube.object.rotation.copy( this.edges.rotation );

    } );


  selectLayer( layer ) {

    this.group.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 );
    this.movePieces( layer, this.game.cube.object, this.group );
    this.flipLayer = layer;


  deselectLayer( layer ) {

    this.movePieces( layer, this.group, this.game.cube.object );
    this.flipLayer = null;


  movePieces( layer, from, to ) {


    layer.forEach( index => {

      const piece = this.game.cube.pieces[ index ];

      piece.applyMatrix( from.matrixWorld );
      from.remove( piece );
      piece.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse( to.matrixWorld ) );
      to.add( piece );

    } );


  getLayer( position ) {

    const layer = [];
    let axis;

    if ( position === false ) {

      axis = this.getMainAxis( this.flipAxis );
      position = this.getPiecePosition( this.dragIntersect.object );

    } else {

      axis = this.getMainAxis( position );


    this.game.cube.pieces.forEach( piece => {

      const piecePosition = this.getPiecePosition( piece );

      if ( piecePosition[ axis ] == position[ axis ] ) layer.push( piece.name );

    } );

    return layer;


  getPiecePosition( piece ) {

    let position = new THREE.Vector3()
      .setFromMatrixPosition( piece.matrixWorld )
      .multiplyScalar( 3 );

    return this.game.cube.object.worldToLocal( position.sub( this.game.cube.animator.position ) ).round();


  scrambleCube() {

    if ( this.scramble == null ) {

      this.scramble = this.game.scrambler;
      this.scramble.callback = ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) ? () => {} : callback;


    const converted = this.scramble.converted;
    const move = converted[ 0 ];
    const layer = this.getLayer( move.position );

    this.flipAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
    this.flipAxis[ move.axis ] = 1;

    this.selectLayer( layer );
    this.rotateLayer( move.angle, true, () => {


      if ( converted.length > 0 ) {


      } else {

        this.scramble = null;


    } );


  getIntersect( position, object, multiple ) {

      this.draggable.convertPosition( position.clone() ),

    const intersect = ( multiple )
      ? this.raycaster.intersectObjects( object )
      : this.raycaster.intersectObject( object );

    return ( intersect.length > 0 ) ? intersect[ 0 ] : false;


  getMainAxis( vector ) {

    return Object.keys( vector ).reduce(
      ( a, b ) => Math.abs( vector[ a ] ) > Math.abs( vector[ b ] ) ? a : b


  detach( child, parent ) {

    child.applyMatrix( parent.matrixWorld );
    parent.remove( child );
    this.game.world.scene.add( child );


  attach( child, parent ) {

    child.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse( parent.matrixWorld ) );
    this.game.world.scene.remove( child );
    parent.add( child );


  addMomentumPoint( delta ) {

    const time = Date.now();

    this.momentum = this.momentum.filter( moment => time - moment.time < 500 );

    if ( delta !== false ) this.momentum.push( { delta, time } );


  getMomentum() {

    const points = this.momentum.length;
    const momentum = new THREE.Vector2();

    this.addMomentumPoint( false );

    this.momentum.forEach( ( point, index ) => {

      momentum.add( point.delta.multiplyScalar( index / points ) );

    } );

    return momentum;


  roundAngle( angle ) {

    const round = Math.PI / 2;
    return Math.sign( angle ) * Math.round( Math.abs( angle) / round ) * round;


  snapRotation( angle ) {

    return angle.set(
      this.roundAngle( angle.x ),
      this.roundAngle( angle.y ),
      this.roundAngle( angle.z )


  checkIsSolved() {

    const start = performance.now();

    let solved = true;
    const sides = { 'x-': [], 'x+': [], 'y-': [], 'y+': [], 'z-': [], 'z+': [] };

    this.game.cube.edges.forEach( edge => {

      const position = edge.parent
        .localToWorld( edge.position.clone() )
        .sub( this.game.cube.object.position );

      const mainAxis = this.getMainAxis( position );
      const mainSign = position.multiplyScalar( 2 ).round()[ mainAxis ] < 1 ? '-' : '+';

      sides[ mainAxis + mainSign ].push( edge.name );

    } );

    Object.keys( sides ).forEach( side => {

      if ( ! sides[ side ].every( value => value === sides[ side ][ 0 ] ) ) solved = false;

    } );

    if ( solved ) this.onSolved();



class Scrambler {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;

    this.scrambleLength = 20;

    this.moves = [];
    this.conveted = [];
    this.pring = '';


  scramble( scramble ) {

    let count = 0;
    this.moves = ( typeof scramble !== 'undefined' ) ? scramble.split( ' ' ) : [];

    if ( this.moves.length < 1 ) {

      const faces = 'UDLRFB';
      const modifiers = [ "", "'", "2" ];
      const total = ( typeof scramble === 'undefined' ) ? this.scrambleLength : scramble;

      while ( count < total ) {

        const move = faces[ Math.floor( Math.random() * 6 ) ] + modifiers[ Math.floor( Math.random() * 3 ) ];
        if ( count > 0 && move.charAt( 0 ) == this.moves[ count - 1 ].charAt( 0 ) ) continue;
        if ( count > 1 && move.charAt( 0 ) == this.moves[ count - 2 ].charAt( 0 ) ) continue;
        this.moves.push( move );
        count ++;



    this.callback = () => {};
    this.print = this.moves.join( ' ' );

    return this;


  convert( moves ) {

    this.converted = [];

    this.moves.forEach( move => {

      const face = move.charAt( 0 );
      const modifier = move.charAt( 1 );

      const axis = { D: 'y', U: 'y', L: 'x', R: 'x', F: 'z', B: 'z' }[ face ];
      const row = { D: -1, U: 1, L: -1, R: 1, F: 1, B: -1 }[ face ];

      const position = new THREE.Vector3();
      position[ { D: 'y', U: 'y', L: 'x', R: 'x', F: 'z', B: 'z' }[ face ] ] = row;

      const angle = ( Math.PI / 2 ) * - row * ( ( modifier == "'" ) ? - 1 : 1 );

      const convertedMove = { position, axis, angle, name: move };

      this.converted.push( convertedMove );
      if ( modifier == "2" ) this.converted.push( convertedMove );

    } );



class Transition {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;

    this.tweens = {};
    this.durations = {};
    this.data = {
      cubeY: -0.2,
      cameraZoom: 0.85,

    this.activeTransitions = 0;


  init() {


    this.game.cube.object.position.y = this.data.cubeY;
    this.game.controls.edges.position.y = this.data.cubeY;
    this.game.cube.animator.position.y = 4;
    this.game.cube.animator.rotation.x = - Math.PI / 3;
    this.game.world.camera.zoom = this.data.cameraZoom;

    this.tweens.buttons = {};
    this.tweens.timer = [];
    this.tweens.title = [];
    this.tweens.best = [];
    this.tweens.complete = [];
    this.tweens.range = [];
    this.tweens.stats = [];


  buttons( show, hide ) {

    const buttonTween = ( button, show ) => {

      return new Tween( {
        target: button.style,
        duration: 300,
        easing: show ? Easing.Power.Out( 2 ) : Easing.Power.In( 3 ),
        from: { opacity: show ? 0 : 1 },
        to: { opacity: show ? 1 : 0 },
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const translate = show ? 1 - tween.value : tween.value;
          button.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate * 1.5}em, 0)`;

        onComplete: () => button.style.pointerEvents = show ? 'all' : 'none'
      } );


    hide.forEach( button =>
      this.tweens.buttons[ button ] = buttonTween( this.game.dom.buttons[ button ], false )

    setTimeout( () => show.forEach( button => {

      this.tweens.buttons[ button ] = buttonTween( this.game.dom.buttons[ button ], true );

    } ), hide ? 500 : 0 );


  cube( show ) {


    try { this.tweens.cube.stop(); } catch(e) {}
    const currentY = this.game.cube.animator.position.y;
    const currentRotation = this.game.cube.animator.rotation.x;

    this.tweens.cube = new Tween( {
      duration: show ? 3000 : 1250,
      easing: show ? Easing.Elastic.Out( 0.8, 0.6 ) : Easing.Back.In( 1 ),
      onUpdate: tween => {

        this.game.cube.animator.position.y = show
          ? ( 1 - tween.value ) * 4
          : currentY + tween.value * 4;

        this.game.cube.animator.rotation.x = show
          ? ( 1 - tween.value ) * Math.PI / 3
          : currentRotation + tween.value * - Math.PI / 3;

    } );

    this.durations.cube = show ? 1500 : 1500;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.cube );


  float() {

    try { this.tweens.float.stop(); } catch(e) {}
    this.tweens.float = new Tween( {
      duration: 1500,
      easing: Easing.Sine.InOut(),
      yoyo: true,
      onUpdate: tween => {

        this.game.cube.holder.position.y = (- 0.02 + tween.value * 0.04); 
        this.game.cube.holder.rotation.x = 0.005 - tween.value * 0.01;
        this.game.cube.holder.rotation.z = - this.game.cube.holder.rotation.x;
        this.game.cube.holder.rotation.y = this.game.cube.holder.rotation.x;

    } );


  zoom( play, time ) {


    const zoom = ( play ) ? 1 : this.data.cameraZoom;
    const duration = ( time > 0 ) ? Math.max( time, 1500 ) : 1500;
    const rotations = ( time > 0 ) ? Math.round( duration / 1500 ) : 1;
    const easing = Easing.Power.InOut( ( time > 0 ) ? 2 : 3 );

    this.tweens.zoom = new Tween( {
      target: this.game.world.camera,
      duration: duration,
      easing: easing,
      to: { zoom: zoom },
      onUpdate: () => { this.game.world.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); },
    } );

    this.tweens.rotate = new Tween( {
      target: this.game.cube.animator.rotation,
      duration: duration,
      easing: easing,
      to: { y: - Math.PI * 2 * rotations },
      onComplete: () => { this.game.cube.animator.rotation.y = 0; },
    } );

    this.durations.zoom = duration;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.zoom );


  elevate( complete ) {


    const cubeY = 

    this.tweens.elevate = new Tween( {
      target: this.game.cube.object.position,
      duration: complete ? 1500 : 0,
      easing: Easing.Power.InOut( 3 ),
      to: { y: complete ? -0.05 : this.data.cubeY }
    } );

    this.durations.elevate = 1500;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.elevate );


  complete( show, best ) {


    const text = best ? this.game.dom.texts.best : this.game.dom.texts.complete;

    if ( text.querySelector( 'span i' ) === null )
      text.querySelectorAll( 'span' ).forEach( span => this.splitLetters( span ) );

    const letters = text.querySelectorAll( '.icon, i' );

    this.flipLetters( best ? 'best' : 'complete', letters, show );

    text.style.opacity = 1;

    const duration = this.durations[ best ? 'best' : 'complete' ];

    if ( ! show ) setTimeout( () => this.game.dom.texts.timer.style.transform = '', duration );

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, duration );


  stats( show ) {

    if ( show ) this.game.scores.calcStats();


    this.tweens.stats.forEach( tween => { tween.stop(); tween = null; } );

    let tweenId = -1;

    const stats = this.game.dom.stats.querySelectorAll( '.stats' );
    const easing = show ? Easing.Power.Out( 2 ) : Easing.Power.In( 3 );

    stats.forEach( ( stat, index ) => {

      const delay = index * ( show ? 80 : 60 );

      this.tweens.stats[ tweenId++ ] = new Tween( {
        delay: delay,
        duration: 400,
        easing: easing,
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const translate = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) * 2 : tween.value;
          const opacity = show ? tween.value : ( 1 - tween.value );

          stat.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate}em, 0)`;
          stat.style.opacity = opacity;

      } );

    } );

    this.durations.stats = 0;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.stats );


  preferences( show ) {


    this.tweens.range.forEach( tween => { tween.stop(); tween = null; } );

    let tweenId = -1;
    let listMax = 0;

    const ranges = this.game.dom.prefs.querySelectorAll( '.range' );
    const easing = show ? Easing.Power.Out(2) : Easing.Power.In(3);

    ranges.forEach( ( range, rangeIndex ) => {

      const label = range.querySelector( '.range__label' );
      const track = range.querySelector( '.range__track-line' );
      const handle = range.querySelector( '.range__handle' );
      const list = range.querySelectorAll( '.range__list div' );

      const delay = rangeIndex * ( show ? 120 : 100 );

      label.style.opacity = show ? 0 : 1;
      track.style.opacity = show ? 0 : 1;
      handle.style.opacity = show ? 0 : 1;
      handle.style.pointerEvents = show ? 'all' : 'none';

      this.tweens.range[ tweenId++ ] = new Tween( {
        delay: show ? delay : delay,
        duration: 400,
        easing: easing,
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const translate = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) : tween.value;
          const opacity = show ? tween.value : ( 1 - tween.value );

          label.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate}em, 0)`;
          label.style.opacity = opacity;

      } );

      this.tweens.range[ tweenId++ ] = new Tween( {
        delay: show ? delay + 100 : delay,
        duration: 400,
        easing: easing,
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const translate = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) : tween.value;
          const scale = show ? tween.value : ( 1 - tween.value );
          const opacity = scale;

          track.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate}em, 0) scale3d(${scale}, 1, 1)`;
          track.style.opacity = opacity;

      } );

      this.tweens.range[ tweenId++ ] = new Tween( {
        delay: show ? delay + 100 : delay,
        duration: 400,
        easing: easing,
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const translate = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) : tween.value;
          const opacity = 1 - translate;
          const scale = 0.5 + opacity * 0.5;

          handle.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate}em, 0) scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, ${scale})`;
          handle.style.opacity = opacity;

      } );

      list.forEach( ( listItem, labelIndex ) => {

        listItem.style.opacity = show ? 0 : 1;

        this.tweens.range[ tweenId++ ] = new Tween( {
          delay: show ? delay + 200 + labelIndex * 50 : delay,
          duration: 400,
          easing: easing,
          onUpdate: tween => {

            const translate = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) : tween.value;
            const opacity = show ? tween.value : ( 1 - tween.value );

            listItem.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${translate}em, 0)`;
            listItem.style.opacity = opacity;

        } );

      } );

      listMax = list.length > listMax ? list.length - 1 : listMax;

      range.style.opacity = 1;

    } );

    this.durations.preferences = show
      ? ( ( ranges.length - 1 ) * 100 ) + 200 + listMax * 50 + 400
      : ( ( ranges.length - 1 ) * 100 ) + 400;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.preferences );


  title( show ) {


    const title = this.game.dom.texts.title;

    if ( title.querySelector( 'span i' ) === null )
      title.querySelectorAll( 'span' ).forEach( span => this.splitLetters( span ) );

    const letters = title.querySelectorAll( 'i' );

    this.flipLetters( 'title', letters, show );

    title.style.opacity = 1;

    const note = this.game.dom.texts.note;

    this.tweens.title[ letters.length ] = new Tween( {
      target: note.style,
      easing: Easing.Sine.InOut(),
      duration: show ? 800 : 400,
      yoyo: show ? true : null,
      from: { opacity: show ? 0 : ( parseFloat( getComputedStyle( note ).opacity ) ) },
      to: { opacity: show ? 1 : 0 },
    } );

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.title );


  timer( show ) {


    const timer = this.game.dom.texts.timer;

    timer.style.opacity = 0;

    this.splitLetters( timer );
    const letters = timer.querySelectorAll( 'i' );
    this.flipLetters( 'timer', letters, show );

    timer.style.opacity = 1;

    setTimeout( () => this.activeTransitions--, this.durations.timer );


  splitLetters( element ) {

    const text = element.innerHTML;

    element.innerHTML = '';

    text.split( '' ).forEach( letter => {

      const i = document.createElement( 'i' );

      i.innerHTML = letter;

      element.appendChild( i );

    } );


  flipLetters( type, letters, show ) {

    try { this.tweens[ type ].forEach( tween => tween.stop() ); } catch(e) {}
    letters.forEach( ( letter, index ) => {

      letter.style.opacity = show ? 0 : 1;

      this.tweens[ type ][ index ] = new Tween( {
        easing: Easing.Sine.Out(),
        duration: show ? 800 : 400,
        delay: index * 50,
        onUpdate: tween => {

          const rotation = show ? ( 1 - tween.value ) * -80 : tween.value * 80;

          letter.style.transform = `rotate3d(0, 1, 0, ${rotation}deg)`;
          letter.style.opacity = show ? tween.value : ( 1 - tween.value );

      } );

    } );

    this.durations[ type ] = ( letters.length - 1 ) * 50 + ( show ? 800 : 400 );



class Timer extends Animation {

  constructor( game ) {

    super( false );

    this.game = game;


  start( continueGame ) {

    this.startTime = continueGame ? ( Date.now() - this.deltaTime ) : Date.now();
    this.deltaTime = 0;
    this.converted = this.convert();



  reset() {

    this.startTime = 0;
    this.currentTime = 0;
    this.deltaTime = 0;
    this.converted = '0:00';


  stop() {

    this.currentTime = Date.now();
    this.deltaTime = this.currentTime - this.startTime;


    return { time: this.converted, millis: this.deltaTime };


  update() {

    const old = this.converted;

    this.currentTime = Date.now();
    this.deltaTime = this.currentTime - this.startTime;

    if ( this.converted != old ) {

      localStorage.setItem( 'theCube_time', this.deltaTime );



  convert() {

    const seconds = parseInt( ( this.deltaTime / 1000 ) % 60 );
    const minutes = parseInt( ( this.deltaTime / ( 1000 * 60 ) ) );

    this.converted = minutes + ':' + ( seconds < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + seconds;


  setText() {

    this.game.dom.texts.timer.innerHTML = this.converted;



const RangeHTML = [

  '<div class="range">',
    '<div class="range__label"></div>',
    '<div class="range__track">',
      '<div class="range__track-line"></div>',
      '<div class="range__handle"><div></div></div>',
    '<div class="range__list"></div>',

].join( '\n' );

document.querySelectorAll( 'range' ).forEach( el => {

  const temp = document.createElement( 'div' );
  temp.innerHTML = RangeHTML;

  const range = temp.querySelector( '.range' );
  const rangeLabel = range.querySelector( '.range__label' );
  const rangeList = range.querySelector( '.range__list' );

  range.setAttribute( 'name', el.getAttribute( 'name' ) );
  rangeLabel.innerHTML = el.getAttribute( 'title' );

  el.getAttribute( 'list' ).split( ',' ).forEach( listItemText => {

    const listItem = document.createElement( 'div' );
    listItem.innerHTML = listItemText;
    rangeList.appendChild( listItem );

  } );

  el.parentNode.replaceChild( range, el );

} );

class Range {

  constructor( name, options ) {

    options = Object.assign( {
      range: [ 0, 1 ],
      value: 0,
      step: 0,
      onUpdate: () => {},
      onComplete: () => {},
    }, options || {} );

    this.element = document.querySelector( '.range[name="' + name + '"]' );
    this.track = this.element.querySelector( '.range__track' );
    this.handle = this.element.querySelector( '.range__handle' );

    this.value = options.value;
    this.min = options.range[0];
    this.max = options.range[1];
    this.step = options.step;

    this.onUpdate = options.onUpdate;
    this.onComplete = options.onComplete;

    this.value = this.round( this.limitValue( this.value ) );



  initDraggable() {

    let current;

    this.draggable = new Draggable( this.handle, { calcDelta: true } );

    this.draggable.onDragStart = position => {

      current = this.positionFromValue( this.value );
      this.handle.style.left = current + 'px';


    this.draggable.onDragMove = position => {

      current = this.limitPosition( current + position.delta.x );
      this.value = this.round( this.valueFromPosition( current ) );

      this.onUpdate( this.value );


    this.draggable.onDragEnd = position => {

      this.onComplete( this.value );



  round( value ) {

    if ( this.step < 1 ) return value;

    return Math.round( ( value - this.min ) / this.step ) * this.step + this.min;


  limitValue( value ) {

    const max = Math.max( this.max, this.min );
    const min = Math.min( this.max, this.min );

    return Math.min( Math.max( value, min ), max );


  limitPosition( position ) {

    return Math.min( Math.max( position, 0 ), this.track.offsetWidth );


  percentsFromValue( value ) {

    return ( value - this.min ) / ( this.max - this.min );


  valueFromPosition( position ) {

    return this.min + ( this.max - this.min ) * ( position / this.track.offsetWidth );


  positionFromValue( value ) {

    return this.percentsFromValue( value ) * this.track.offsetWidth;


  setHandlePosition() {

    this.handle.style.left = this.percentsFromValue( this.value ) * 100 + '%';



class Preferences {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;


  init() {

    this.ranges = {

      flip: new Range( 'flip', {
        value: this.game.controls.flipConfig,
        range: [ 0, 2 ],
        step: 1,
        onUpdate: value => {

          this.game.controls.flipConfig = value;

      } ),

      scramble: new Range( 'scramble', {
        value: this.game.scrambler.scrambleLength,
        range: [ 20, 30 ],
        step: 5,
        onUpdate: value => {

          this.game.scrambler.scrambleLength = value;

      } ),

      fov: new Range( 'fov', {
        value: this.game.world.fov,
        range: [ 2, 45 ],
        onUpdate: value => {

          this.game.world.fov = value;

      } ),

      theme: new Range( 'theme', {
        value: { cube: 0, erno: 1, dust: 2, camo: 3, rain: 4 }[ this.game.themes.theme ],
        range: [ 0, 4 ],
        step: 1,
        onUpdate: value => {

          const theme = [ 'cube', 'erno', 'dust', 'camo', 'rain' ][ value ];
          this.game.themes.setTheme( theme );

      } ),




class Confetti {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;
    this.started = 0;

    this.options = {
      speed: { min: 0.0011, max: 0.0022 },
      revolution: { min: 0.01, max: 0.05 },
      size: { min: 0.1, max: 0.15 },
      colors: [ 0x41aac8, 0x82ca38, 0xffef48, 0xef3923, 0xff8c0a ],

    this.geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1 );
    this.material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { side: THREE.DoubleSide } );

    this.holders = [
      new ConfettiStage( this.game, this, 1, 20 ),
      new ConfettiStage( this.game, this, -1, 30 ),


  start() {

    if ( this.started > 0 ) return;

    this.holders.forEach( holder => {

      this.game.world.scene.add( holder.holder );
      this.started ++;

    } );


  stop() {

    if ( this.started == 0 ) return;

    this.holders.forEach( holder => {

      holder.stop( () => {

        this.game.world.scene.remove( holder.holder );
        this.started --;

      } );

    } );


  updateColors( colors ) {

    this.holders.forEach( holder => {

      holder.options.colors.forEach( ( color, index ) => {

        holder.options.colors[ index ] = colors[ [ 'D', 'F', 'R', 'B', 'L' ][ index ] ];

      } );

    } );



class ConfettiStage extends Animation {

  constructor( game, parent, distance, count ) {

    super( false );

    this.game = game;
    this.parent = parent;

    this.distanceFromCube = distance;

    this.count = count;
    this.particles = [];

    this.holder = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.holder.rotation.copy( this.game.world.camera.rotation );

    this.object = new THREE.Object3D();
    this.holder.add( this.object );

    this.resizeViewport = this.resizeViewport.bind( this );
    this.game.world.onResize.push( this.resizeViewport );

    this.geometry = this.parent.geometry;
    this.material = this.parent.material;

    this.options = this.parent.options;

    let i = this.count;
    while ( i-- ) this.particles.push( new Particle( this ) );


  start() {

    this.time = performance.now();
    this.playing = true;

    let i = this.count;
    while ( i-- ) this.particles[ i ].reset();



  stop( callback ) {

    this.playing = false;
    this.completed = 0;
    this.callback = callback;


  reset() {




  update() {

    const now = performance.now();
    const delta = now - this.time;
    this.time = now;

    let i = this.count;

    while ( i-- )
      if ( ! this.particles[ i ].completed ) this.particles[ i ].update( delta );

    if ( ! this.playing && this.completed == this.count ) this.reset();


  resizeViewport() {

    const fovRad = this.game.world.camera.fov * THREE.Math.DEG2RAD;

    this.height = 2 * Math.tan( fovRad / 2 ) * ( this.game.world.camera.position.length() - this.distanceFromCube );
    this.width = this.height * this.game.world.camera.aspect;

    const scale = 1 / this.game.transition.data.cameraZoom;

    this.width *= scale;
    this.height *= scale;

    this.object.position.z = this.distanceFromCube;
    this.object.position.y = this.height / 2;



class Particle {

  constructor( confetti ) {

    this.confetti = confetti;
    this.options = this.confetti.options;

    this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
    this.force = new THREE.Vector3();

    this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh( this.confetti.geometry, this.confetti.material.clone() );
    this.confetti.object.add( this.mesh );

    this.size = THREE.Math.randFloat( this.options.size.min, this.options.size.max );
    this.mesh.scale.set( this.size, this.size, this.size );

    return this;


  reset( randomHeight = true ) {

    this.completed = false;

    this.color = new THREE.Color( this.options.colors[ Math.floor( Math.random() * this.options.colors.length ) ] );
    this.mesh.material.color.set( this.color );

    this.speed = THREE.Math.randFloat( this.options.speed.min, this.options.speed.max ) * - 1;
    this.mesh.position.x = THREE.Math.randFloat( - this.confetti.width / 2, this.confetti.width / 2 );
    this.mesh.position.y = ( randomHeight )
      ? THREE.Math.randFloat( this.size, this.confetti.height + this.size )
      : this.size;

    this.revolutionSpeed = THREE.Math.randFloat( this.options.revolution.min, this.options.revolution.max );
    this.revolutionAxis = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ][ Math.floor( Math.random() * 3 ) ];
    this.mesh.rotation.set( Math.random() * Math.PI / 3, Math.random() * Math.PI / 3, Math.random() * Math.PI / 3 );


  stop() {

    this.completed = true;
    this.confetti.completed ++;


  update( delta ) {

    this.mesh.position.y += this.speed * delta;
    this.mesh.rotation[ this.revolutionAxis ] += this.revolutionSpeed;

    if ( this.mesh.position.y < - this.confetti.height - this.size )
      ( this.confetti.playing ) ? this.reset( false ) : this.stop();



class Scores {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;

    this.scores = [];
    this.solves = 0;
    this.best = 0;
    this.worst = 0;


  addScore( time ) {

    this.scores.push( time );

    if ( this.scores.lenght > 100 ) this.scores.shift();

    let bestTime = false;    

    if ( time < this.best || this.best === 0 ) {

      this.best = time;
      bestTime = true;


    if ( time > this.worst ) this.worst = time;

    return bestTime;


  calcStats() {

    this.setStat( 'total-solves', this.solves );
    this.setStat( 'best-time', this.convertTime( this.best ) );
    this.setStat( 'worst-time', this.convertTime( this.worst ) );
    this.setStat( 'average-5', this.getAverage( 5 ) );
    this.setStat( 'average-12', this.getAverage( 12 ) );
    this.setStat( 'average-25', this.getAverage( 25 ) );


  setStat( name, value ) {

    if ( value === 0 ) return;

    this.game.dom.stats.querySelector( `.stats[name="${name}"] b` ).innerHTML = value;


  getAverage( count ) {

    if ( this.scores.length < count ) return 0;

    return this.convertTime( this.scores.slice(-count).reduce( ( a, b ) => a + b, 0 ) / count );


  convertTime( time ) {

    if ( time <= 0 ) return 0;

    const seconds = parseInt( ( time / 1000 ) % 60 );
    const minutes = parseInt( ( time / ( 1000 * 60 ) ) );

    return minutes + ':' + ( seconds < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + seconds;



class Storage {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;


  init() {



  loadGame() {

    this.game.saved = false;


  loadPreferences() {

    this.game.controls.flipConfig = 0;
    this.game.scrambler.scrambleLength = 20;

    this.game.world.fov = 10;

    this.game.themes.setTheme( 'cube' );

    return false;



class Themes {

  constructor( game ) {

    this.game = game;
    this.theme = null;

    this.colors = {
      cube: {
        U: 0xfff7ff,
        D: 0xffef48,
        F: 0xef3923,
        R: 0x41aac8,
        B: 0xff8c0a,
        L: 0x82ca38,
        P: 0x08101a,
        G: 0xd1d5db,
      erno: {
        U: 0xffffff,
        D: 0xffd500,
        F: 0xc41e3a,
        R: 0x0051ba,
        B: 0xff5800,
        L: 0x009e60,
        P: 0x111111,
        G: 0x8abdff,
      dust: {
        U: 0xfff6eb,
        D: 0xe7c48d,
        F: 0x8f253e,
        R: 0x607e69,
        B: 0xbe6f62,
        L: 0x849f5d,
        P: 0x111111,
        G: 0xE7C48D,
      camo: {
        U: 0xfff6eb,
        D: 0xbfb672,
        F: 0x805831,
        R: 0x718456,
        B: 0x37241c,
        L: 0x37431d,
        P: 0x111111,
        G: 0xBFB672,
      rain: {
        U: 0xfafaff,
        D: 0xedb92d,
        F: 0xce2135,
        R: 0x449a89,
        B: 0xec582f,
        L: 0xa3a947,
        P: 0x111111,
        G: 0x87b9ac,


  setTheme( theme ) {

    if ( theme === this.theme ) return;

    this.theme = theme;

    const colors = this.colors[ this.theme ];

    this.game.cube.pieces.forEach( piece => {

      piece.userData.cube.material.color.setHex( colors.P );

    } );

    this.game.cube.edges.forEach( edge => {

      edge.material.color.setHex( colors[ edge.name ] );

    } );

    this.game.dom.rangeHandles.forEach( handle => {

      handle.style.background = '#' + colors.R.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');

    } );

    this.game.confetti.updateColors( colors );

    this.game.dom.back.style.background = '#' + colors.G.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
    this.game.dom.buttons.pwa.style.color = '#' + colors.R.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');



class IconsConverter {

  constructor( options ) {

    options = Object.assign( {
      tagName: 'icon',
      className: 'icon',
      styles: false,
      icons: {},
      observe: false,
      convert: false,
    }, options || {} );

    this.tagName = options.tagName;
    this.className = options.className;
    this.icons = options.icons;

    this.svgTag = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg' );
    this.svgTag.setAttribute( 'class', this.className );

    if ( options.styles ) this.addStyles();
    if ( options.convert ) this.convertAllIcons();

    if ( options.observe ) {

      const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
      this.observer = new MutationObserver( mutations => { this.convertAllIcons(); } );
      this.observer.observe( document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true } );


    return this;


  convertAllIcons() {

    document.querySelectorAll( this.tagName ).forEach( icon => { this.convertIcon( icon ); } );


  convertIcon( icon ) {

    const svgData = this.icons[ icon.attributes[0].localName ];

    if ( typeof svgData === 'undefined' ) return;

    const svg = this.svgTag.cloneNode( true );
    const viewBox = svgData.viewbox.split( ' ' );

    svg.setAttributeNS( null, 'viewBox', svgData.viewbox );
    svg.style.width = viewBox[2] / viewBox[3] + 'em';
    svg.style.height = '1em';
    svg.innerHTML = svgData.content;

    icon.parentNode.replaceChild( svg, icon );


  addStyles() {

    const style = document.createElement( 'style' );
    style.innerHTML = `.${this.className} { display: inline-block; font-size: inherit; overflow: visible; vertical-align: -0.125em; preserveAspectRatio: none; }`;
    document.head.appendChild( style );



const Icons = new IconsConverter( {

  icons: {
    settings: {
      viewbox: '0 0 512 512',
      content: '<path fill="currentColor" d="M444.788 291.1l42.616 24.599c4.867 2.809 7.126 8.618 5.459 13.985-11.07 35.642-29.97 67.842-54.689 94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832 2.254l-42.584-24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1-60.759 35.13v49.182a12.01 12.01 0 0 1-9.377 11.718c-34.956 7.85-72.499 8.256-109.219.007-5.49-1.233-9.403-6.096-9.403-11.723v-49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1-60.759-35.13l-42.584 24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832-2.254c-24.718-26.744-43.619-58.944-54.689-94.586-1.667-5.366.592-11.175 5.459-13.985L67.212 291.1a193.48 193.48 0 0 1 0-70.199l-42.616-24.599c-4.867-2.809-7.126-8.618-5.459-13.985 11.07-35.642 29.97-67.842 54.689-94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832-2.254l42.584 24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1 60.759-35.13V25.759a12.01 12.01 0 0 1 9.377-11.718c34.956-7.85 72.499-8.256 109.219-.007 5.49 1.233 9.403 6.096 9.403 11.723v49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1 60.759 35.13l42.584-24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832 2.254c24.718 26.744 43.619 58.944 54.689 94.586 1.667 5.366-.592 11.175-5.459 13.985L444.788 220.9a193.485 193.485 0 0 1 0 70.2zM336 256c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80s-80 35.888-80 80 35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80z" class=""></path>',
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  convert: true,

} );

const MENU = 0;
const PLAYING = 1;
const COMPLETE = 2;
const STATS = 3;
const PREFS = 4;

const SHOW = true;
const HIDE = false;

class Game {

  constructor() {

    const qs = document.querySelector.bind( document );
    const qsa = document.querySelectorAll.bind( document );

    this.dom = {
      ui: qs( '.ui' ),
      game: qs( '.ui__game' ),
      back: qs( '.ui__background' ),
      texts: qs( '.ui__texts' ),
      prefs: qs( '.ui__prefs' ),
      stats: qs( '.ui__stats' ),
      texts: {
        title: qs( '.text--title' ),
        note: qs( '.text--note' ),
        timer: qs( '.text--timer' ),
        stats: qs( '.text--timer' ),
        complete: qs( '.text--complete' ),
        best: qs( '.text--best-time' ),
      buttons: {
        prefs: qs( '.btn--prefs' ),
        back: qs( '.btn--back' ),
        stats: qs( '.btn--stats' ),
        pwa: qs( '.btn--pwa' ),
      rangeHandles: qsa( '.range__handle div' ),

    this.world = new World( this );
    this.cube = new Cube( this );
    this.controls = new Controls( this );
    this.scrambler = new Scrambler( this );
    this.transition = new Transition( this );
    this.timer = new Timer( this );
    this.preferences = new Preferences( this );
    this.scores = new Scores( this );
    this.storage = new Storage( this );
    this.confetti = new Confetti( this );
    this.themes = new Themes( this );


    this.state = MENU;
    this.saved = false;
    this.newGame = false;



    setTimeout( () => {

      this.transition.cube( SHOW );

      setTimeout( () => this.transition.title( SHOW ), 700 );
      setTimeout( () => this.transition.buttons( [ 'prefs', 'pwa' ], [] ), 1000 );

    }, 500 );


  initActions() {

    let tappedTwice = false;

    this.dom.game.onclick = event => {

      if ( this.transition.activeTransitions > 0 ) return;
      if ( this.state === PLAYING ) return;

      if ( this.state === MENU ) {

        if ( ! tappedTwice ) {

          tappedTwice = true;
          setTimeout( () => tappedTwice = false, 300 );
          return false;


        if ( ! this.saved ) {

          this.newGame = true;


        const duration = this.saved ? 0 : this.scrambler.converted.length * this.controls.flipSpeeds[0];

        this.state = PLAYING;
        this.saved = true;

        this.transition.buttons( [], [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ] );

        this.transition.zoom( PLAYING, duration );
        this.transition.title( HIDE );

        setTimeout( () => {

          this.transition.timer( SHOW );
          this.transition.buttons( [ 'back' ], [] );

        }, this.transition.durations.zoom - 1000 );

        setTimeout( () => {

          if ( ! this.newGame ) this.timer.start( true );

        }, this.transition.durations.zoom );

      } else if ( this.state === COMPLETE ) {

        this.state = STATS;
        this.saved = false;

        this.transition.timer( HIDE );
        this.transition.complete( HIDE, this.bestTime );
        this.transition.cube( HIDE );

        setTimeout( () => {


          this.transition.stats( SHOW );
          this.transition.elevate( 0 );

        }, 1000 );

        return false;

      } else if ( this.state === STATS ) {

        this.state = MENU;

        this.transition.buttons( [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ], [] );

        this.transition.stats( HIDE );

        setTimeout( () => this.transition.cube( SHOW ), 500 );
        setTimeout( () => this.transition.title( SHOW ), 1200 );



    this.controls.onMove = () => {

      if ( this.newGame ) {

        this.timer.start( true );
        this.newGame = false;



    this.dom.buttons.back.onclick = event => {

      if ( this.transition.activeTransitions > 0 ) return;

      if ( this.state === PREFS ) {

        this.state = MENU;

        this.transition.buttons( [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ], [ 'back' ] );

        this.transition.preferences( HIDE );

        setTimeout( () => this.transition.cube( SHOW ), 500 );
        setTimeout( () => this.transition.title( SHOW ), 1200 );

      } else if ( this.state === PLAYING ) {

        this.state = MENU;

        this.transition.buttons( [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ], [ 'back' ] );

        this.transition.zoom( MENU, 0 );

        if ( ! this.newGame ) this.timer.stop();
        this.transition.timer( HIDE );

        setTimeout( () => this.transition.title( SHOW ), this.transition.durations.zoom - 1000 );

        this.playing = false;



    this.dom.buttons.prefs.onclick = event => {

      if ( this.transition.activeTransitions > 0 ) return;

      this.state = PREFS;

      this.transition.buttons( [ 'back' ], [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ] );

      this.transition.title( HIDE );
      this.transition.cube( HIDE );

      setTimeout( () => this.transition.preferences( SHOW ), 1000 );


    this.dom.buttons.stats.onclick = event => {

      if ( this.transition.activeTransitions > 0 ) return;

      this.state = STATS;

      this.transition.buttons( [], [ 'pwa', 'prefs' ] );

      this.transition.title( HIDE );
      this.transition.cube( HIDE );

      setTimeout( () => this.transition.stats( SHOW ), 1000 );


    this.controls.onSolved = () => {

      this.transition.buttons( [], [ 'back' ] );

      this.state = COMPLETE;
      this.saved = false;


      this.bestTime = this.scores.addScore( this.timer.deltaTime );

      this.transition.zoom( MENU, 0 );
      this.transition.elevate( SHOW );

      setTimeout( () => {

        this.transition.complete( SHOW, this.bestTime );

      }, 1000 );




window.game = new Game();


Three.js官网: Three.js – JavaScript 3D Library 或 https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js
three.js官网中文文档three.js docs


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本文标签: 标签: 炫酷网页 魔方网页小游戏
转载声明:本文作者 彭Sir,如需转载请保留文章出处!原文链接请自行复制!


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